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Мужчина, 48 лет, родился 26 ноября 1976

Рассматривает предложения

Рудный, не готов к переезду, готов к редким командировкам

IT and/or automation engineer

  • Аналитик
  • Генеральный директор, исполнительный директор (CEO)
  • Программист, разработчик
  • Руководитель группы разработки
  • Руководитель проектов

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 31 год 7 месяцев

Сентябрь 2018по настоящее время
6 лет 7 месяцев

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

System analyst-programmer
Interaction between clients and developers team. Translating technical requirements and comments from Russian to English and backward. Create/modifying a data structures for new and already existings data objects (including SAP ERP data objects) for master data management system and new and already existings program modules. Creating a scripts/excel modules for data extraction, execution of data analysis and data duplication analysis before upload to normalization software.
Май 2001Сентябрь 2018
17 лет 5 месяцев
SSGPO joint-stock, Rudny

Добывающая отрасль... Показать еще

senior engineer
Team leadership, project management - 7+ years. English experience: - Technical English - read and translate technical documentation with minimal dictionary use; - Write with minimal dictionary use; - Conversational English: pre-intermediate. Rosetta Stone's course 1-st level certificate. My IT and automation skills below. With automation: - Conceptual design, project configuration - Specifications for automation system parts (sensors, signal convertors, PLC, servers) and software; - Development algorithms, scripts for PLC and SCADA; - Design user interfaces in Photoshop with after-realization in SCADA or/and web; - Development databases and web sites in intranet for automation and information systems; - Manage group of developers; - SCADA Simatic WinCC, Trace Mode; - Simatic STEP7; - OPC Clients programming; - Vissim, MatLab modeling. With web technologies: - Zope + Python 5+ years; - PHP + MySQL 10+ years; - JSP + Oracle 6+ years; - Joomla - 5 years. With program languages, scripts etc.: - HTML since 1996; - XML 10+ years; - SVG+AJAX 8+ year; - SQL (Databases) 15+ years -developer, programmer, administrator; - Delphi - 2002 to 2010; - Visual Basic (VBA, VBScript etc.) 20+ years (Turbo- and Quick- Basic - since 1990); - Python 4+ years; - Java (JSP, JavaScript) 8+ years; - C (DOS & console applications, Simatic WinCC scripting) - 1993 to 2006; - Action Script (Adobe Flash) 10+ years; With graphics and design: - Adobe Photoshop 18 years; - Macromedia/Adobe Flash 13 years; Microsoft Office - advanced user / macros developer 20+ years (since Word 6.0 and Excel 5.0 for Windows 3.0) Microsoft Windows 3.0 - Windows10 - 25 years, administrator. SAP R/3 implementation experience: -Material Master, Service Master, Business Partners; - Material Master, Service Master and Business Partners population project management; - Legacy system data analysis, mapping, functional specification; - Legacy system data unload project management; - Data object templates population project management; - Data consistence project management. My last big projects: - Dispatch system for open mine pit with use GPS (KARIER by VIST Group JSC. I did contract negotiation with vendor, project management, alternative top-level software design (intranet web site development), problem solving. - Dispatch system for open mine pit with use GPS (Dispatch 6 by MODULAR). I did technical negotiation with vendor, project management, problem solving, programming alternative reports from Dispatch database. - Automatic weight measurement system for technological trains. I did technical negotiation with vendor, design database, middle-level software and intranet web site development. - Fuel monitoring system for cars. I did contract and technical negotiation with vendor, project management, problem solving. - SAP implementation's local data team leader. My team did harmonization and preparation following data objects: Material Master, Service Master, and Business Partner. In addition, IT specialists in my team wrote lot of programs for unload data from legacy systems. My duties was: 1. Make activities and resources plan of data preparation. 2. Check data consistency between more than 100 data object's templates. 3. Making reports about data object population and Cross data object preparation status every week. 4. Working with a business with all questions with business data. 5. Recruitment my team members: IT-specialists and catalogue makers. 6. Integration between another implementation teams in terms of data objects preparation/population.
Июнь 2011Май 2014
3 года
Kazogneupor joint-stock, Rudny

Химическое производство, удобрения... Показать еще

automation specialist
It's again repair and set up PLC's (SIMATIC, Mitsubishi) on hydraulic presses. Simatic S5 PLCs. Mitsubishi A-Series PLC. Laeis 1250, Laeis Bucher, Fukai hydraulic presses.
Июнь 2000Май 2001
1 год
IT center LiK, Rudny

Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще

Executive director
It is a little company (not above 15 people). My functions were: - HR management; - teacher; - contract negotiation with public utility companies; - contract negotiation with partners.
Июль 1997Июнь 2000
3 года
Kazogneupor joint-stock, Rudny

Химическое производство, удобрения... Показать еще

automation specialist
Area of my responsibilities was measurement equipment, PLCs and computers. First, in 1997, I did monitoring and small repair or change for measurement equipment (sensors, cables and monitoring devices). My second profile (1998-1999) was monitoring and repair technological equipment with PLCs. I works with Simatic S5 PLC. And my last profile (1999-2000) was two above + computers, system administration (MS DOS, Windows, Novell Netware) and software (modifying counting office's programs created with FoxBase1.0 -2.5)
Сентябрь 1993Июнь 1997
3 года 10 месяцев
Lot of companies and organizations, including South-Ural State University


system administrator, technician, program designer and coder
I studied University. In parallel, I had have periodically job as universal IT guy in lot of small companies. There was very difficult times and I changed companies time by time when they begun delay my salary.


Уровни владения навыками
Software Development
Data Analysis
Leadership Skills
Team management
Adobe Photoshop
Web Application Development
MS PowerPoint
Windows Xp
Adobe Flash
Project management
Управление проектами
MS Outlook
Ведение переговоров
Английский язык

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B

Обо мне

Automation, system integration, PLC, sensors, SCADA, programing, databases, graphics, web technologies, project design, project management, SAP ECC implementation data team leader.

Высшее образование

South Ural State University
Control and informatics in technical systems, Engineer

Знание языков


АнглийскийC1 — Продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Simatic S7 PLC, Step7, Wincc
ТОО "Siemens", simatic s7 specialist

Тесты, экзамены

STEP 7 Base level
Siemens Kazakhstan, passed
WinCC Base level
Siemens Kazakhstan, passed

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения